We still have some really cool colorways in stock of the well-known Hi-Tec Shadows.
We felt like it was time to shine a light on our Hi-Tec collection again. This collection is packed with so many bangers that it's almost impossible to pick a favorite.
The Hi-Tec HTS SHADOW RGS combines the modern redesign of the iconic Silver Shadow from 1981 with contemporary technologies. In 2013, Hi-Tec partnered with sole innovator Vibram to create the unique RollinGaitSystem (RGS) sole that gives this sneaker its incredible comfort.
This season's lineup is looking impressive once again. Besides the classic black and white Hi-Tecs, we've got plenty of colorful pairs ready for you that will take your sneaker game to the next level. This season, Hi-Tec uses a faded, retro color palette and a unique hairy suede that will undoubtedly be a hit during the colder months.
While you can hardly go wrong with a good pair of Hi-Tec Shadows, you can always take a look at our style photos for some extra inspiration.
Check if your size is still available, because this store-favorite is flying off the shelves. More on Hi-Tec? Read this blogpost on the Japan-line and the trailrunners Hi-Tec has to offer.